#1 – December, 2020 – Together To Help

Category: #1 – December, 2020

  • Special Thanks

    Greg Wilken ESQ Robert Cushman ESQ Stacy Chapter and Project 150 Team Prof Maria Jerinic Pravica- UNLV Principal Liliana Apachitei Radio Journal FM Piatra Neamt Mrs Ileana Danciu Fr John Desko and Saint Paul the Apostle parish Fr Petru Munteanu Fr Dan Damaschin Dr Cristian Jurau Anonymous Major Donor for Sending packages to Romania and…

  • VISIT Together To Help Store

    We continually improve and develop the store. You can currently purchase Blue, Yellow, Red TTH t-shirts in our store. All money received will go to helping children in need. Store website: https://togethertohelp.com/

  • December 12, 2020 – Together To Help turns 1

    Saint Spyridon of Trimyphunteia is commemorated on December 12. The saint concerned himself about his flock with great love. Through his prayer, many sick were healed and demons cast out. He had the custom to distribute one part of the gathered harvest to the destitute, and another portion to those having need while in debt,…

  • Future Events

    Year-End Campaign for Holidays January 24th = Romanian National Day

  • Year-End Campaigns for Holidays

    1.    Delia: Save a life of a child on the last day of the year (Delia suffering of Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia) 2.    Apopei Ionut Catalin suffering of Lobstein disease or Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I – genetic disease or brittle bone. 3.    School supplies are needed for “Steven the Great” Special Vocational School, from NeamČ› Romania.…

  • Donation Oportunities under CARES Act

    Treasurer “I find joy in giving donations” Sudha Murty CARES Act Section 2204 amends IRS Code, adding new § 62(a) (22) The new law allows all taxpayers to take a charitable deduction of up to $300, even if you do not itemize. If everyone gave “just” $300, such support would have a huge impact on…

  • Giving Tuesday 2020

    We’re proud to have joined thousands of changemaking organizations on December 1st, 2020 for #GivingTuesday! #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving with the goal of building a more just and generous world. The funds we raised on #GivingTuesday will go to 30 impoverished and underserved children so who have no warm clothing and boots…

  • Care for Special Needs Children in Las Vegas

    One of our board members with medical expertise offered a free consultation to a family with a special needs child. A complete spectrum of the problem was discussed and opened many opportunities for this special case. We are thankful for his dedication, kindness and care

  • Together To Help board members training at SCORE

    On October 7, 2020, Together To Help Nonprofit Organization offered training classes for current and future members. We thank SCORE and Attorney Robert Cushman for presenting the workshop titled: “How To Become a Better Nonprofit Board Member“. This training prepared our organization for grow by adding new energetic members. Togetherness is our strength. We all…

  • Lives You Have Touched

    “Steven the Great” Special Vocational School  -packages become gifts from Saint Nicholas Steven The Great Special Vocational School from Romania is taking care of 118 special needs children ages 14 to 18. Most of them have been abandoned by their families who are unable to care for them. They live in a dorm near their…