“Together for Social Solidarity” Foundation is a non-governmental organization, which is involved in supporting the disadvantaged people in Săvinești town, Neamț county in particular, as well as other disadvantaged communities in the North-East region of Romania.
Established in 1995, the Foundation’s activity focuses on 2 coordinates:
- Social. The Foundation provides food in a social hall, various material aids, improving living conditions and offering new opportunities for disadvantaged people and those that belong to vulnerable categories.
- Cultural and educational. The Foundation organizes camps, artistic groups, offers educational and psychological counseling, organizes training courses in various practical fields, such as making decorative candles, pastry, tailoring, embroidery, etc.
In 2019, the Foundation’s projects benefited more than 550 disadvantaged people, both children and families in difficult social situations (unemployment, single-parent families, Roma), people with disabilities, the elderly, etc.
The activities of our foundation aim to serve the noblest principles of charity and help of marginalized people, who are in a state of social difficulty.
In this period of crisis we want to support solidarity and social peace.
We are asking your help for those vulnerable, that are isolated at home: elderly, single-parent families, children with precarious situations, left in the care of their grandparents.
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