Activity – Together To Help


  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 1 year, 8 months ago

    The big day is November 29.

    Together to Help participates in the Giving Tuesday 2022 initiative in an effort to provide basic needs to children in the region of Moldova, Romania, for this winter.

    There are […]

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 1 year, 8 months ago

    First Christmas Without His Father

    This is an excerpt translation of the story in Romanian. Click here to read the original story.

    Costică is one of the 10,000+ children in Romania that need our help this […]

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 1 year, 8 months ago

    Georgiana on the ROAD OF HOPE

    This is an excerpt translation of the story in Romanian. Click here to read the original story.

    Georgiana is one of the 10,000+ children in Romania that need our help this […]

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years ago

    Introduction to Nonprofit Fundraising and Proposal Writing Workshop

    June 13,2021
    The “Together to Help” organization is growing by educating its staff to become nonprofit professionals. We invest in […]

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years ago

    Steven the Great Special Vocational School (Neamt, Romania)

    Thank you Together To Help for your love and care for our students!

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years ago

    PHILANTHROPY IS THE LOVE OF GOD (by Elisabeta Comanescu)

    I chose to be a donor for the “Together To Help” Organization because I Praise the Lord.
    I give thanks to the Lord, for HE […]

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years ago

    FROM ONE HEART TO MANY HEARTS (by Adelina Bianca Crintea)

    I chose to become a donor for the “Together To Help” Organization because I liked the message it conveys. Together we can have many beautiful […]

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 1 month ago

    Liliana Apachitei, Principal
    Stefan Cel Mare Special
    Vocational School,
    Neamt, Romania

    Any donation counts!
    Thank you from the
    bottom of my h […]

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 1 month ago


    Communities are defined as groups of people who repeatedly come together over what […]

  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 1 month ago

    .so-widget-sow-image-default-d6014b76747a- .sow-image-container {
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  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 1 month ago

    .so-widget-sow-image-default-d6014b76747a- .sow-image-container {
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  • wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 1 month ago

    .so-widget-sow-image-default-17bc2272b535- .sow-image-container {
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  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 3 months ago

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 6 months ago

    Mica Unire din 24 ianuarie 1859 reprezintă unirea Molodovei cu Țara Românească și este primul pas în formarea României de azi.

    Românii și-au dorit de sute de ani unirea tuturor teritoriilor, iar acestă u […]

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 7 months ago

    Greg Wilken ESQ

    Robert Cushman ESQ

    Stacy Chapter and Project 150 Team

    Prof Maria Jerinic Pravica- UNLV

    Principal Liliana Apachitei

    Radio Journal FM Piatra Neamt

    Mrs Ileana Danciu

    Fr John […]

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 7 months ago

    We continually improve and develop the store. You can currently purchase Blue, Yellow, Red TTH t-shirts in our store. All money received will go to helping children in need.

    Store website:

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 7 months ago

    Saint Spyridon of Trimyphunteia is commemorated on December 12. The saint concerned himself about his flock with great love. Through his prayer, many sick were healed and demons cast out. He had the […]

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 7 months ago

    Year-End Campaign for HolidaysJanuary 24th = Romanian National Day

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 7 months ago

    1.    Delia: Save a life of a child on the last day of the year (Delia suffering of Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia)

    2.    Apopei Ionut Catalin suffering of Lobstein disease or Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type […]

  • Claudia wrote a new post on the site Together To Help 3 years, 7 months ago

    Lissa Elena McCain


    “I find joy in giving donations”

    Sudha Murty

    CARES Act Section 2204 amends IRS Code, adding new § 62(a) (22)

    The new law allows all taxpayers to take a char […]

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